Fadwa El Hardouzi Suggest 9 Foods That Will Help You in Losing Weight

Fadwa El Hardouzi always suggests something latest that will assist you in getting good health, beauty and fitness. Here you can find information of finest food that will help you is losing weight. The accomplishment of a diet plan depend on having planned the eating of food which provides only the required calories for the great working of the body and no overload calories which may be stored in the body as fat in diverse parts of body. It is significant to have a healthy diet that contains the necessary quantity of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. The weight loss diet must contain the foods that will improve the metabolic rate of body and at the same time add fewer calories. Here is the list of some best weight loss foods:


  1. Brown Rice2.       Beans and Lentils

    3.       Green Vegetables (Kale, Turnip greens, Collards, Spinach, Broccoli, Mustard greens, Cabbage etc)

    4.       Cucumbers

    5.       Garlic

    6.       Whole Grains

    7.       Seeds and Nuts

    8.       Low Calorie Fruits (Orange, Asparagus, Beets, Cucumber, Lemons, Cauliflower,  Watermelon, Tomatoes, Grapefruit, Apples, Carrots etc.)

    9.       Healthy spices (Turmeric, Rosemary, Cumin, Nutmeg, Basil, Saffron, Ginseng, Cardamom, Curry, Thyme etc.)

You can check out more blog of Fadwa El Hardouzi at Blogspot:


Health and Fitness Tips by Fadwa El Hardouzi

Are you one of those people who believe in this previous adage: Health is Wealth. Physical fitness and health is not a thing that you can achieve in one day. It takes long time of regulation to stay healthy and active. Here you can read some tips given by Fadwa El Hardouzi (#fadwaelhardouzi), these tips will help you getting physically fit and healthy.

To stay healthy you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which include everyday activities like get up early in the morning and go f or a walk, take a healthy breakfast which include fruits, milk and other meal that contains good protein. Do some regular exercise everyday like Yoga , Aasan, Pranayam etc these natural therapies will help you stay fit. Diet and physical activity area unit 2 pillars of healthy way so you must have to take a healthy food, healthy food means the meal that contains low fat and high protein such as green vegetables, eggs, meat, milk etc. Ignore junk food and oily meal.

fadwa el hardouzi

Here are some points that you have to follow and some that you have to ignore:

To Follow:

  • Daily exercise (Yoga, Aasan, Pranayam)
  • Healthy Diet
  • Get Up Early and Sleep Early
  • Daily Workout

To Ignore:

  • Junk Food
  • Oily Food

Keep reading upcoming blogs of Fadwa El Hardouzi for more health tips.